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  • Writer's pictureWagnerRM

Lost Planet 2 (2010): Akrids even bigger! | Capcom Quest #435

What beautiful graphics! Capcom Quest of Lost Planet 2. More enemies, less snow.

I thought this game didn't have a campaign mode, but I was surprised.

Probably the biggest criticism of the first Lost Planet was the repetition of environments. Here all biomes have been explored.

From jungle, desert to space, volcanic area and underwater. There were even a few missions in the snow just to say that there weren't any.

The entire game begs you to play co-op. Too bad the Steam version is tied to the late Games for Windows Live.

The objectives of the missions are to activate the terminals, or reach a certain place. Sometimes you have to kill a wave of enemies.

The Akrid got even better, most of them are gigantic, I felt a Monster Hunter like with firearms.

In total there are 6 episodes ranging from 3 to 6 chapters in length. The protagonists change and in the end it's a great climax!

There was a balance regarding HP. Now you have to use the harmonizer to recover health, in the first game you usually had to lose all T-Eng to die.

Anyway, a pity not being able to play the online mode, searching the internet I saw that there is a lot of customization and upgrades of the character. But campaign mode is worth it.


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