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  • Writer's pictureWagnerRM

Resident Evil Gaiden (2001): That game with Evil Amoeba | Capcom Quest #276

Did this ship inspire RE Revelations? Capcom Quest of Resident Evil Gaiden! That episode of Barry with Leon Amoeba.

I think everybody doesn't know what to do in a first gameplay, ahahahahaahha

We started with Barry on an abandoned ship in search of a girl. Unfortunately Barry's classic Magnum is so overpowered that Capcom had to take it out in the game..

It took me a long time to find out how the combat system works here. Theoretically you need to aim at the enemy and shoot with the same button, thus entering the battle.

Your goal is always to hit the center of the mark while the cursor is running from side to side. Otherwise, you will take few damage from enemies or miss the shot.

I admit that even with all Game Boy Color limitations, Capcom managed to make good use of the Resident Evil atmosphere. We have grotesque enemies, amazing scenery and classic item backtracking!

Speaking of them, whenever a blue exclamation mark appears it is because there is an item on the stage, and if it is red the enemy drops. Often the important items are in common zombies!

I must have been about 5 minutes just laughing at Leon's face, hahahahahaha. Barry is fine, but this version of Leon is too funny!!!

If you're going to venture into this game, for God's sake, get the Gas Launcher as soon as possible. When you use it in battle mode, just press start and shoot. The gas is infinite and does not need to hit the enemy. Too easy right?

The final boss is really difficult, I don’t know what this Amoeba has, I stayed an hour to defeat this crap and still using a lot of rewind...

Oh, and of course... Leon Amoeba. There are still people who theorize that this is the reason why Leon is so overpowered since RE4 xD


That's right, Zelda from Capcom!


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