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  • Foto do escritorWagnerRM

Final Fight 2 (1993): Mad Gear Returns | Capcom Quest #114

I thought Haggar only took care of Metro City. Capcom Quest of Final Fight 2, no matter which place in the world you are, if you mess with the mayor, he will after you!

Let's be honest, these games do not need a well-crafted plot to be good. But, kidnapping again? Ahhahahahahahaha

This time, Capcom redeemed itself from the first Final Fight port and besides putting the 2 players option, you also have the possibility to play with the 3 different characters.

Although I did not think the Maki and Carlos gameplay so different, Carlos has a slightly larger range, but that's all, they are very similar. Haggar is the same as always.

The plot goes around Maki (Guy's sister-in-law), her father and sister were kidnapped by Mad Gear, now with a new boss. So our ninja asks for help for the mayor, and the South American Carlos goes along.

Once again we have 6 stages, but now they are in different countries! And when you defeat a boss they give a clue where Maki family are.

Unfortunately the game does not bring any new feature in its gameplay, it's exactly the same mechanics from the first episode. Capcom might as well have put something new as it did in Might Final Fight...

The game is easy, at least until you get to Rolento, the fifth stage boss, he's too fast here. And also the sixth stage is huge, it's better you get here with at least 2 continues because after facing all the bad guys, the final boss will give you a hard time!

He's that kind of boss who takes a lot of damage and has a large HP! The safest way to beat him is with flying kicks, but it's going to take a while to sort through this guy's life.

And another story with a happy ending... With Guy on the last image xD


It's time to know more about the mayor's past!


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