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  • Foto do escritorWagnerRM

Sweet Home (1989): The First Capcom Survivor Horror! | Capcom Quest #050

The Capcom Quest Halloween (which was not scheduled) was a very important game for those who enjoy the Resident Evil series!

First of all I need to thank the person who translated this game to English! Yes, this is another game based on a Japanese movie, so it was only released in Japan! And here's my compliment \o/

I already got stuck in the FIRST part, where you have to make teams and go on. You actually need to use the Asuka's Vacuum to get through this room, otherwise you'll be forever here. And we already see 2 references that Resident Evil makes to this game, a mansion and the classic scenes from doors opening.

The battle mode is like the classic RPG menu, where there are options to attack, use items (each character has its own), call help, escape and even PRAY, and it's a great skill!!! Also has levels system!!!

The backtracking here is just like Resident Evil, that meme where you going into a room, pick up an item and use it on a statue, so that opens a secret passage that gives you another item for use in a picture at the beginning of the mansion, etc...

The best strategy is to make two teams and always walk with them nearby, so if someone get curse (which is very normal), it's just use doctor's heal! I had to reset the game about 4 times, one of them was because I let a member die and lost their items.

There are always things that attack you from NOWHERE, and you have to choose which side to evade, or pray and hit a full bar! Otherwise you'll take damage for free...

The game has some bosses but they are not so difficult like that! The only one who I liked was the last, which has these two transformations.

Another reference that Resident Evil makes to this game are the alternative ending. It works the SAME way! If one ally dies you will change some meme in the last scenes, could be dialogue or image! And that's it, who is fan of RE for sure will love play this game = D


Get ready for the biggest gameplay in this channel! I think it'll be more than 10 hours...


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