Double Gear System, the best mechanic!! Capcom Quest of Mega Man 11. The return without Inafune.
This was the first game that Capcom released when I started this project, crazy right?
The big news in this episode is the Double Gear System. A really cool mechanic that allows Mega Man to slow down time or amplify his powers.
The power gear is simply the Mega Man X charging shot, without needing to charge. It becomes very overpowered when several powers are combined.
The Speed Gear is really good when you buy the upgrade that doesn't slow down Mega Man's movements. That way you'll be fast and slow down time.
I think these graphics are beautiful! Capcom should have done something like this in 9 and 10, but I understand that they wanted to please the fans.
Although the stages are quite challenging, the bosses become very easy if you use their weaknesses with the Power Gear. Most of them can't resist three of these attacks.
Regarding the story, Capcom was very "safe zone". Just like in the first game, Wily kidnaps Light's robots and makes Mega Man defeat them, and in the end Wily apologizes and runs away. Interestingly, the Double System was created by Wily, who helped Mega Man a lot.
And finally, two interesting facts. This was the first Mega Man game where Inafune was no longer at Capcom. And also, the release was on my birthday, haha.