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  • Writer's pictureWagnerRM

Ultra Street Fighter IV (2014): The last man standing! | Capcom Quest #469

Has Seth gotten easier or what? Capcom Quest of Ultra Street Fighter IV. The definitive version of a classic!

44 characters, how do you balance it all? Haha ha

Ultra IV brought three new mechanics, Ultra Combo Double (allows the use of two ultras, but with less damage), Red Focus Attack (infinite armor but uses up bar) and Delayed Standing to avoid some setups.

And Capcom also decided to bring its characters that were in Street X Tekken to finalize the roster (in addition to some stages). Elena and Poison gave a lot of players a hard time, hahhaa

To the delight of rainbow edition players, Omega mode was a complete success. All the characters have new crazy things!

And of course, it was in this version that I started following the Capcom Pro Tour/Cup. So many memories and epic moments! Indeed, SFIV is a milestone in the games industry.


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