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  • Writer's pictureWagnerRM

Monster Hunter 4/4 Ultimate (2013): The Caravan Hunter Quests | Capcom Quest #466

Playing with friends is always good. Capcom Quest of Monster Hunter 4! A new adventure in Val Habar.

Is it just me or is this franchise getting better and better?

As usual, a new MH takes a lot of good things from its predecessors and makes a new version of it. I just missed the farms, haha.

The fourth generation is the only one that was exclusive to a single platform, the 3DS. I admit that I never got used to playing with two screens, even though there are shortcuts, there could well be an option to play only on a single screen.

This time I felt that Capcom invested a little more in the story. Here you help the caravan of Val Habar, but later they recruit you to help other villages.

And the villain of the moment is Gore Magala, a very sinister creature that leaves a trail of "Frenzy Virus" snorting monsters and nerfing hunters (despite buffing after the nerf). I liked it so much that I made his fullset!

Charge Blade was the weapon of the moment, I loved doing the cool combos with it, but I didn't enjoy using it online, it takes a long time to charge and when you launch the charge attack you have to make sure that no friend will get in the way of you hitting the monster.

I made the mistake of starting by playing the Guild missions instead of the village, it's definitely a bad idea. As usual, the monsters are buffed online and I struggled a lot to progress at the beginning.

Anyway, with each game that passes, I find the successor better than the previous one in this franchise, the addition of the mechanic of riding monsters was amazing. May it continue like this.


This reboot is dope


©2018 by WagnerRM
Always go beyond

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