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  • Writer's pictureWagnerRM

Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 (2011): Back to the classic | Capcom Quest #442

Jumping is back again. Capcom Quest of Bionic Commando Rearmed 2. The console-only sequel.

From what I understand this game takes place before the 2009 game and after the first Rearmed.

Things here are more straight to the point, all stages are missions, no need to going to the base to pick up items or anything like that.

Despite to have jump, Spencer will have to throw precision on the hooks, but even so, a jump helps a lot.

All bosses have a certain way to be defeated. And to find out you have to scan the enemy.

The amount of stages is very similar to the first Rearmed, but I have to say that the last one is absurdly accurate. I had to make a lot of hard jumps.

And to finish the game, it has a large arsenal, but I couldn't find them all, hahahaah. But in any case, it was not necessary to finish the game.


An extra mode that turned game


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