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  • Writer's pictureWagnerRM

Resident Evil 5 (2009): Mission against the Uroboros virus | Capcom Quest #426

Why so many hordes of enemies? Capcom Quest of Resident Evil 5. Stopping Wesker's plans, once again.

I ended up remembering that this was the first Resident I managed to beat in my life, crazy right?

I never understood this filter they put in the game, but even so RE 5 has a very big graphic leap in Capcom games.

I really like the story of this episode, Chris at the BSAA with the help of Sheva in search of solving problems in Africa and ends up discovering Jill's whereabouts and Wesker's plan.

As much as you have two inventories, several times I had no space to get drops. I don't know why I always want to grab everything, lol.

Countless parts are better just running until you reach a checkpoint, doing that you can even die that horde of enemies will disappear.

You can see a lot of influence from RE4 here, in addition to the camera, being able to level up weapons and give orders to your partner.

Speaking of which, I didn't think Sheva's AI was bad, quite the contrary. Maybe she even heals you too much, but she helped me a lot!

The reunion of Wesker, Chris and Jill is one of my favorite moments in the franchise! So much emblematic!

The final part is amazing, hahahahaha. From facing Wesker "Matrix" holding missiles to punching rocks! I died a few times because of this "hold" that should be "press several times" or something like that.

Of course, I will play the DLCs for this game, but only when I reach the Gold Edition release date.


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©2018 by WagnerRM
Always go beyond

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