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  • Writer's pictureWagnerRM

Okami (2006): The Legend of Amaterasu | Capcom Quest #390

I remembered that this game was big, but not huge like this. Capcom Quest of Okami! Hideki Kamiya's masterpiece.

It's okay that Amaterasu is a goddess, but how much she travels on this journey is no joke

Okami came up with the idea of bringing a very striking and beautiful aesthetic to the painting base. I believe this ink was referenced in the "Focus Attack" on Street IV.

I'm not going to lie that the dialogues are quite tiring, mainly due to the sounds that the characters emit, they are long and repetitive.

Getting lost in this HUGE map is extremely easy! Sometimes there will be an arrow or a marker to indicate where to go, but otherwise you'll need to talk with many npcs.

I found out that I suck at drawing, I lost count of how many times I made a mistake and ended up doing something else, hahahahahhaha.

The game is divided into 3 big stages, but the real challenge is the exploration and the puzzles, it's really hard to die in any battle, unless you haven't leveled up your HP.

There are 3 types of weapons, the swords that are excellent in charged blows, the whips that have a great range and combos and finally the disks that serve both to launch projectiles and to counters.

I also spent hours feeding the animals, hahahahahaha. Amaterasu in pursuit of ending world hunger.

As much as Okami was released before God Hand, I think Clover Studio's farewell atmosphere was greater in this game. After this year, Hideki Kamiya and Shinji Mikami were no longer part of Capcom.


Events that happened before the first game


©2018 by WagnerRM
Always go beyond

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