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  • Writer's pictureWagnerRM

Lost Planet (2006): The War on Planet E.D.N. III | Capcom Quest #384

This game should have more recognition. Capcom Quest of Lost Planet! Colonizing in search of energy.

The first episode of Capcom Quest in a seventh generation console game.

Your mission here is to colonize the planet E.D.N III as Earth has become uninhabitable. And for that you'll have to defeat these giant insects that provide energy for humans to survive.

There is a whole plot involving the Snow Pirates (a group that the protagonist Wayne is part of) against the NEVEC (a military group that explores the planet and abuses authority), but I don't think the story is the strong point.

The amount of enemies, mechs (Vital Suit) and weapons you have here is no joke. Capcom really invested in the gameplay.

There's no way not to remember the Commando franchise with this hook feature, hahahaahhahaha. Saved me a lot from falls xD

The boss fights were what caught my attention the most. There are several that are very difficult, I spent a long time against the final boss but Green Eyes was an odyssey to defeat.

I was only upset that the game is a little short, and I was also lost not knowing where to go in some parts (until I discovered that activating the harmonizers, a yellow arrow appears on the mini map indicating where to go).

Otherwise, I highly recommend it! Incredible how few people talk about the game, I think it's an excellent shooting game.


I love you DMC3 I love you


©2018 by WagnerRM
Always go beyond

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