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  • Writer's pictureWagnerRM

Gaia Master: Kamigami on the Board Game (2000): Challenges on Medieval Board! | Capcom Quest #244

One of the most difficult and fun games I've ever played on this project. Capcom Quest of Gaia Master: Kamigami in the Board Game! Ruling the board and farming Zennys.

This is certainly one of Capcom's lost pearls, it's sad that not everyone likes to play board virtually.

From what I read, every 100 years a gnome comes from the sky to challenge the Earth's heroes in a board game (very similar to the Monopoly), if you lose the world ends... Or something like that xD

The game works as follows, your objective is always to dominate the greatest amount of places, and for that you need to farm Zennys in battles, going around the board or receiving tolls from those who fall on your territory. There are missions that end after 20 or 30 turns and others where you have to leave your opponents with zero Zennys.

You can build estates on your land that helps you, whether it be having battle cards, event cards, recovering your HP and even increasing the toll.

Event cards are for you to battle, increase or decrease land gains, gain more dice and can destroy estates. All are very useful for progress.

There are a total of 11 champions, 2 of which are unlockable after beat the game. I chose the paladin Galahad (who is more like a knight) and ended up discovering that he is not even that good.

Some characters have the "Lucky" ability on the board, which gives an extra advantage in the match, unfortunately Galahad does not have that, at least he is good at fighting.

The best character in my opinion is Princess Tiara, her "Lucky" makes you gain one territory and yet she turns into a warrior during the battle, sooo nice.

On the board, I recommend building Weapons and Alchemist Store at the beginning (first two purchase options) and then when you have many Zennys, you sell all the properties and build only Banks.

In battles, it is good to let the enemy with low HP and not kill him. So you can face him with low HP in the next match and then kill. By doing this you can easily dominate more territories.

And good luck with the dice because you will need it. The CPU is well broken, lol.


Capcom Squad to Attack!


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