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  • Writer's pictureWagnerRM

Power Stone (1999): Chase the Flame of Destiny | Capcom Quest #214

I've never heard so many "Oh no!" in a game. Capcom Quest of Power Stone! Capcom's debut in the sixth generation consoles.

We're getting far at this quest huh? Power Stone was the first game that Capcom made for Naomi, and if is made for Naomi automatically is made for Dreamcast.

There is no complexity of commands here, just two attack buttons, one for jumping and two for special. And since you have all the stage to dodge, there is no defense in the game (but it would be nice if had).

About the stages, they are all "messy" on purpose. You have to dodge or throw objects all the time. And even having so many things, I was not stuck in any thing. Nice level design!

The game has 10 characters (Valgas and Kraken being secret). However, the psp version added 4 fighters from the second game. And I notice that they have a slightly different moveset...

There is always a weapon dropping to use (available after unlock in the secret book), but the goal is to gather 3 Power Stones to transform and use specials.

And the funny thing is that EVERY time someone loses a stone after being beaten, the annoucer ALWAYS comes to say "OHHHHH NOOOOO!"

The character I liked the most was Gourmand! Probably because his special fire hurricane is soo overpowered!!!

And, of course, the prize of the most broken still with the final boss. Valgas has that classic Sharingan that predicts all your movements. Unfortunately his final transformation is pretty easy to defeat.

A nice fun fact is that Fokker (censored to Falcon for pronunciation) has on his jacket an art for Michelle Heart from the Legendary Wing. I don't know if they share the same universe, but it's a great reference!

Capcom even invested in an anime! It's well suited to the game (although they only need one stone to transform). But there are some episodes that don't happen much thing...


That random ride!


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