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  • Writer's pictureWagnerRM

Street Fighter EX (1996): Throwing Low Poly Hadoukens | Capcom Quest #184

We may consider that this franchise belongs to the Versus series. Capcom Quest of Street Fighter EX! The World Warriors proving their worth against the Fighting Layer.

I am aware that are people who doesn't like this series. But as a first attempt in the 3D universe, I think it was quite valid.

This is a game that received two updates, totaling 26 characters. In this episode I decided to beat with the 10 main.

For me the great success of this game was to continue in 2D gameplay, something that in the reviews of the time was highly criticized, for simply not having the same style as Tekken 2. lol

There are 5 characters from each company (apart from the secret ones that are unlockable for hours of gameplay). But there is always one that stands out. Skullo >>> ALL!

In addition to adapted moves (like a Tatsu works as Rekka) there's also a Guard Break, whose the name is self-explanatory. And the possibility of canceling a special on the other.

It's bizarre, but I thought this was the most balanced Street Fighter so far! Maybe it's because I had no difficulty playing with any character.

The only thing that I found very different is the ease that some characters have to perform the three specials in a row. But being very honest, I didn't think it took that much damage...

The CPU helped a lot too, I only had difficulty in two fights, of course one of them is against Broken Bison! This version is exclusive to the CPU, it's faster and stronger. If he use the 3x special, it's over!

Guess who the other is? And the worst thing is that he didn't even use Shun Goku Satsu and still the demon! Good heavens, Akuma here is too broken!!!!!!

I imagine that Garuda must be as difficult as. Unfortunately, I was unable to make the conditions to face him.

And finally, my biggest criticism is that the game has no endings. At least the Japanese version has a very simple text, but I don't consider it an ending. That's it, see you at Ex Plus!


I'm still not good in sports games xD


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