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  • Writer's pictureWagnerRM

Street Fighter Alpha 2 (1996): The Search for the Strongest continues | Capcom Quest #171

How many good memories I have from this game. Capcom Quest of Street Fighter Alpha 2! The sequel that looks like an update, but is a sequel xD

Was so nice to gather my friends at home and get some matches on my Sega Saturn! Alpha 2 was the first Street Fighter I really dedicated myself to.

I feel that everything here is better than its predecessor, from character balancing to beautiful background, which are even my favorites of the whole series!

The story of the Alpha / Zero series is the same in every episode, Shadaloo looking for new recruits, Ryu clashing with Akuma and a the rest wants to defeat Bison.

But the canon adapted specific endings of each game. I don't know all for sure, but the classic Nash vs. Bison fight in Venezuela is part of the lore.

All the Alpha characters came back, and the cast increased to 18. But the only newcomer was just Sakura, who by the way, I love her theme xD (Sodom and Rolento already showed up in Final Fight).

The biggest news in the gameplay were the custom combos. Many specials are difficult to perform, because this I used the new mechanic a lot.

Rival encounters have also been added, so if you win 5 rounds in a row using specials, you get an extra fight with the fighters' interaction.

For some reason I found Alpha Counters easier to execute. It's always been a pretty strong mechanic, but at least here you spend the bar (which in Darkstalkers doesn't happen).

Balancing may have improved, but not that much. I suffered playing Dhalsim, and for me the biggest problem was that the hit box of his attacks is only at the end, not along the way.

Zangief was very difficulty, at least against the CPU. I think CAPCOM discovered the gimmick of defeating him easily in SF II and left the big guy hard here!

By contrast, Dan still easy, hahahaahhaah. Although he doesn't defend, at least he attacks, which was very rare in Alpha 1.

And once again the Shotokans were the privileged ones. Much easier to perform combos and specials.

Alpha 2 was my definitive entry into fighting games, even though I played SF II before, my interest in FGC started here. The game has some extras, but these I will cover in its update version, Alpha 2 Gold. See you then.


Why did they only make 2 games?


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