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  • Foto do escritorWagnerRM

Dynasty Wars (1989): Is this the Father of MUSOUS!? | Capcom Quest #044

This game let me so tired that it took 4 days to post this notes!? looooooooool

The game is not bad, it's just very repetitive, you can choose between 4 riders and all with the same attacks. If you hold the attack button will throw the charge hit, and if you press several times a quick attack comes out, the B button calls for a help or releases a special Hit.

The special attacks makes you lost some HP, and usually are two bosses per fight, even playing in single mode. But the sad thing is that doesn't have much to do in the game, unless crush attack buttons all the time. You're even not able to jump and do a air attack.

The only thing this game will reminds me, off course is the final boss. Dood, the guy LITERALLY rides on two horses... T W O horses at the same time, hahahahahah.

But another cool thing is the classic GORE from 90's, it's so nice!!! Also this is one of few games I've seen in my life that already announces the sequence at the game ends, what success doesn't it!?

In fact, this series is based on a Chinese book "Romance of Three Kingdoms", which is as influential as the well-known "Journey to the West". Not from Capcom, but in the future the popularity of this story in the games, would increase greatly thanks to the infinite Dynasty Warriors games!


Like that way, full Japanese game and also you have to believe in the heart of cards


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