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  • Writer's pictureWagnerRM

Bionic Commando (1988): Another very different game from NES! | Capcom Quest #035

At least one stream we beat last week! Capcom Quest of Bionic Commando, from Famicom!

The first thing I saw in this game was this background used in "I wanna be that guy" hahahahahahaha. I've watching a lot doods get mad on this game xD

The gameplay is like the arcade version, but the missions are quite different. You need to go in these cabins and always talk to some soldiers, so you'll receive tips where find items and how to access new stages!

The map is very intuitive, the areas with red background are the peaceful ones, but if you do a one single shot, a troop of soldiers will come after you. It's in these areas that most upgrades are! The others are really stages!

Some areas, even if you have access, you can't proceed without a weapon to destroy the barrier! The problem is, the game does not explain how to get out the missions, and I almost reset my run. Luckily the GameFaqs helps me again, if you just press A + B + START, you leave the area.

Another bad thing are the "bosses". Your mission is to destroy the reactor, but always has someone to disturbing you. But honestly a lot of these guys you don't need to face them, it's just attack the reactor and that is it! Stage complete.

I also got stuck in how to access the last stages (10, 11, 12). But was my fault, the game explains that you need to get a new battery for the helicopter and face some enemies between the stages. After that, it's almost beating the game!

There are some missions which reminds the first game, with that view from above and shooting in enemies xD

I didn't understand the meaning of the final boss. Hitler wakes up and a ship arrives, you destroy this ship and go to another stage with another ship, then you destroy it with ONE single shot and it's done, Hitler is dead ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯

But this end is awesome, doesn't? Just like 90's style!!!


The next episode is this CLASSIC!!!!!


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