
jun 91 min

Project X Zone 2 (2015): Cross Battles Beyond Infiniteverse | Capcom Quest #472

Still beautiful and exhausted game. Capcom Quest of Project X Zone 2! More crossover battles.

At first time I thought it was easier than the previous one, but it's just as difficult.

Maybe it's because I got the dlcs, they really boosted the characters' equipment.

Speaking of them, you can now increase the damage in each attack, something that was automatic in the previous ones but here it was quite boring.

Once again, the game has zero difficulty. Even the store is back, so just buy infinite HPs and Revives and you'll always advance.

Now you can deal more damage to opponents if you attack from behind or from the sides. Additionally, you gain a buff for not spending attacks in battle, so the next time the attack will gain more damage. There were actually good additions.

I loved the chapter 28 song, is Burning Rangers main theme, a game that was part of my childhood and I like it so much!!!! It's a shame that it was just the music and no characters appeared.

Otherwise it's the same story, even the final battle is as painful as the previous game (I don't even know how I defeated the villain).

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