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  • Foto do escritorWagnerRM

Namco X Capcom (2005): Saving Cross Universes | Capcom Quest #366

This game would be perfect if it wasn't so huge. Capcom Quest of Namco x Capcom! Lots of easter eggs, combos and enemies.

This game was not even developed by Capcom, and it will probably be the biggest episode of this project.

I already start praising this wonderful opening in anime, not to mention the very hype music!!!

Here we have a classic Tactical RPG, where you'll always have to face several enemies using a very creative combo system.

There are 45 stages, usually more than a hour to complete each of them. And what made me the most angry was the villains running away even after I defeated them...

But despite that the game is VERY easy, mainly because it allows you to use potion before the enemy attacks you. I even made a "build" with all my characters full of potion and revive.

Needless to say, I recognized every Capcom character, right? But in the case of Namco, many I had no idea of ​​their existence, such as KOS-MOS, the best character in the game!

I also loved the Sylphie's participation, the seller of Forgotten Worlds! Her moveset is inspired by several Capcom characters, and her special is a show apart!

Speaking of specials, this is the coolest thing about the game! Each character has its own but there are several incredible combinations that you discover throughout the gameplay.

It's just a shame that they exaggerated the amount of enemies. I'm sure a lot of people didn't beat because they got tired of playing.


There's anime for everything, right?


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